Design and Experiment of Simple Dynamometer for Vehicle Cybersecurity Research

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Jungho Lee


Vehicle, Cyber Security, Dynamometer


This study describes the design of a simple dynamometer, the creation of an environment for vehicle
cybersecurity research, and the results of experiments performed on a real vehicle. Cybersecurity
threats in the information technology (IT) environment have spread to vehicles owing to the convergence
of vehicles and IT. Accordingly, a variety of research on vehicle cybersecurity has been
conducted. Vehicle cybersecurity threats are made to vehicles in motion to trigger casualties. The
risk of vehicle cybersecurity threats has been proven in many studies, and protection technology
has been also proposed. However, in these studies, the experimental environments were such that
the vehicle was simply placed above the ground or on restricted road conditions with no traffic of
vehicles. In these experimental environments, unexpected situations can threaten the safety of the
experimenter. Furthermore, because the driving environment on actual roads cannot be simulated,
the vehicle’s functions cannot operate normally. In this study, therefore, we proposed and designed
a simple dynamometer to ensure the safety of the experimenter and created the same environment
as that of the actual vehicle driving. The designed technology was then applied to a real vehicle to
demonstrate the safety and practicality of the designed experimental environment.