Use Case for Air Quality Measuring and Transmission
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Monitoring, Air Quality, mobile Networks, emergent technologies, IoT
Fourth and fifth generation (4G-5G) cellular networks provide key enabling technologies for the
ubiquitous deployment of Internet of Things(IoT) technology. This has allowed the implementation
of different use cases or applications that have allowed their operation to be evaluated. Aligned
with several research studies around 5G and 4G that are currently being carried out, this research
proposes the implementation of a use case for the measurement and transmission of air quality in
Bogot´a- Colombia, through the Internet of things and simulations in Software Defined Radio (GNURadio).
As a result, network performance indicators were obtained that make the application viable
both in data acquisition and transmission, in the use case for air quality. In that sense, this research
makes it possible to establish the basis for real operations in future implementations of emergent
technologies in the city.