Novel privacy vulnerabilities and challenges of OpenFlow-based SDN in network security
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software defined networking; OpenFlow ; security vulnerabilities and challenges
In the last decade, software defined networking (SDN) with novel mobile network environment has
drawn so many attentions from both IT industries and academic because of its huge convenient and
economic cost. Advanced mobile networks provide abundant entertainments and rich lifestyle for
citizens, which requires larger storage and higher quality of internet environments such as innovative
mobile cloud computing and especially potential SDN [1]. Then emerging SDN technology satisfying
more users’ demands gains a lot of momentum, which is a new network structure with higher
security than traditional networks. Meanwhile, novel vulnerabilities and challenges play the most
important roles in the deployment of software defined networking. In this paper, at first, we briefly
introduce software defined networking including three main planes. Then OpenFlow-based SDN are
illustrated. The procedure of OpenFlow-based SDN working is also provided in this part. And related
security vulnerabilities and challenges on each layer are presented in the last part.