Securely Controllable and Trustworthy Remote Erasure on Embedded Computing System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Trustworthy Remote Erasure, Embedded Computing System
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) plays an increasingly core role in modern warfare since powerful
but tiny embedded computing system is actively applied in military field. Confidential data, such
as military secrets, may be stored inside military devices such as UAVs, which can cause an exorbitant
damage to the national security if the devices are kidnapped or lost. Therefore, a securely
controllable and trustworthy erasure technique for military devices has been considered as a core
technology. In this paper, we devise a securely controllable and trustworthy scheme for satisfying
the reliable remote data erasure technology. The scheme allows the user to remotely erase data stored
in the UAV even on loss of communication and returns proof of erasure to user after erasure.