Device to Device based Delay Tolerant Networks with Group Priority for Disaster Information Systems

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Noriki Uchida
Haruki Kuga
Yoshitaka Shibata


Delay Tolerant Networks, Disaster Information System, D2D


The East Japan Great Earthquake in 2011 brought various damages such as the delay of rescue,
the heavy traffic jam, and the shortage of rations because of the heavy damages of the information
networks. Therefore, this paper proposed the D2D (Device-to-Device) based DTN (Delay Tolerant
Networks) for Disaster Information Systems. The methods consist of the D2D wireless connection
controls with the group priority that is based on the historical locational data and the Data Triage
method that is the data priority functions based on the user policy when the device transmits the data.
Then, the results are discussed by the experimental data using the prototype system, and also the
future works for the usages of the vehicle to vehicle communication are discussed.